SIR - I was delighted to read in the Worcester News that St Peter's village hall association has joined forces with the architects Adrian Hutt to draw up plans for a new community centre next to Abbotsbury Court, Worcester City Council having designated this site for community use.

The building of the church on the adjacent land is to start next year. Access work is due to start this year, prior to the commencement of the building. The church will provide complimentary facilities for community activities - at last there will be leisure facilities at St Peter's.

I was a councillor for St Peter's for 10 years and I left the council last year. I always felt that there was a lack of facilities for community activities, except for the few rooms leased from Tesco for a limited period which are already proving inadequate.

I saw the population grow in number and the children grow in ages. There were lots of playgrounds which many children have grown out of. Where were they to go for leisure activities, games, and so on?

The outline design brief is based on the ideas of the main user groups. I do hope this will also include especially the ideals of young people on leisure activities. I hope this will lead to a harmonious community living in that area.

