AFTER a year of infighting, disagreement and disappointment about issues in the town, the Advertiser is turning the spotlight on what will inspire Spa folk in the year ahead.

With the feel good factor of Christmas on its way, we are approaching the end of 2005 and the start of the New Year.

The last year has seen a number of battles which have divided opinion in the town. The ongoing Lido saga and the details of its potential development, the disagreement about what benefits Waitrose would bring to the town and the proposed canal and High Street regeneration projects have all produced differing and passionate viewpoints.

But with a number of town projects in the pipeline, it is hoped that people can join and offer support during 2006 and in turn give the Spa's community spirit a shot in the arm.

Droitwich residents have already pulled together and shown support for the VE and VJ Day celebrations, this year's music festival, and most recently the Remembrance Day events, proving that the right cause will still be supported by the majority.

Town mayor Richard Morris said he believes that future projects, like the town plan, the completion of the Lido and canal development, will help to bring the community together.

"I think the town plan is something that the community can all get behind. It is engineered to do that and is a vision for the next ten to 12 years," said the mayor.

"One of the reasons people have had different views about what is best for Droitwich is that we have left the door open for others to decide our fate. The town plan would give us the chance to air our different views as a community early."

Droitwich Spa MP Peter Luff added: "We all know that the last couple of years have been difficult for the town. But now with Waitrose bringing people in to the Spa and with the Lido and canal projects in the bag, really good things are about to happen. It is time people were positive about a town with a very bright future."

The Advertiser would like to hear from you about what gives you pride in Droitwich Spa and what issues or areas you think will unite the town during the year ahead.

We would also like to hear about potential projects which the Advertiser could support.