EATING mountains of sandwiches, shaving off a moustache or partying the night away were just some of the ways residents supported Children in Need on Friday.

Kind-hearted people across the town rallied round for the cause by organising a host of weird and wacky money-spinners.

Trinity High School was just one of the schools holding a day of fun events, with students selling cakes and wearing fancy dress. Hungry sixth former Lee Williams ate his height in Subway sandwiches, provided courtesy of the town centre outlet.

Redditch Lions raised £1,500 for the cause when they held a collection session in the Kingfisher Centre.

Members have thanked everyone who took part, including Leanne Tory, Sophie Traves, Emma Kirk and Nicole Watkins from Walkwood Middle School, who helped collect cash on the day.

Meanwhile, imaginative staff at Tyre Sales in Moons Moat went to work in wacky fancy dress, with one of the three directors shaving off his trademark moustache.

And more than 150 partygoers enjoyed a fundraising extravaganza at the Quality Hotel in Southcrest on Friday night, raising more than £3,000.

As well as live performances from vocalist Gemma and band Back in Time, revellers saw three fireworks displays and got lucky in the raffle.

Organiser Debbie Pearson said: "We would just like to thank everyone who contributed to the event. It was a real success."