VICE-president Barbara Parker welcomed members and a visitor to the October meeting.

Members were reminded of the group meeting at Rowney Green, the Beoley walk and also a group walk, the group carol service together with the Kidderminster carol service and also the shopping trip to Chester - which is on the same day as the Christmas party - and finally the Christmas dinner on December 13.

Speakers for the evening were Anne Bucknall and Tony Chipp, who entertained with poems and monologues which were extremely amusing.

The harvest supper was held on October 14 when members and guests enjoyed a meal laid on by the committee and had a sing-a-long with the evening's entertainer.

On November 1, president Jackie Gregory welcomed members and two WIAs, Christine Hickman-Smith and Morag Ford, to the AGM.

Birthday posies were presented and members were told of a walk around Alvechurch and reminded of the forthcoming carol services, shopping trip, Christmas party, and whist drive.

The Christmas dinner will be at the Coach and Horses, Weatheroak.

Georgia Jacobs was elected as the new president.