PEOPLE in flood-threatened parts of Kempsey have been urged to collect their sandbags as soon as they are delivered to the village, rather than waiting for floodwaters to rise.

A recent consignment of sandbags, delivered to Church Street, has become a magnet for children riding bikes over them, leading to fears for their safety.

Resident Daniel Corns said the sandbags on the grass verge, although essential, were an eyesore and a safety risk and should be stored on pallets, or on a hard-standing in a nearby lay-by.

"They have just been dumped there without any consideration or thought about the risk to traffic or children," he told Kempsey Parish Council.

"Children will be children. We shouldn't be inviting them to do more damage."

Parish clerk Andrea Halford said she had asked for the sandbags to be delivered before an emergency arose and they had been brought within two hours and left where they were easily accessible.

"I think that wherever they go, children will ride over them," she said.

Kim Rowswell suggested that if those at risk of flooding took what they needed straight away, there would be no problem.

"They could keep them in their gardens and do their sandbagging a lot more quickly when the floods come," she said.