Whenever negative campaign-ing takes place, the first casualty is always the truth. This is certainly true of the recent articles and correspondence about the Brum Recreation ground in Fernhill Heath.

North Claines Parish Council categorically states that the "youth" Shelter is not "a total waste of money" but is a facility that is well used by youth, children and adults alike. We have seen young mums having a gossip in it while their small children are playing in the nearby play area.

It does not have the most comfortable seating and this will be improved. We are aware that children have been seen to occasionally climb on to the roof of the shelter.

Are we really expected to smother it in razor wire to prevent this?

There has been an unceasing campaign of untruths and misinformation emanating from the newly built Brookside estate on the opposite side of the A38 to the area.

Having failed to prevent the shelter being installed, every effort has been made to have it removed.

Attempts have also been made to prevent the expansion of the childdren's play area, to prevent the provision of goal posts for kickabout purposes and enhancements to the basketball practice facility. Sadly, individual parish councillors have been targeted for bullying and vilification as part of the anti-campaign.

To describe the area as a park is simply ridiculous and suggests a desire for gentrification which the council does not support. Certainly it is well kept, but for the last 40 years, it has been a recreation ground for the people of this village. We intend that it will remain so.

The Brum is bounded by a public right of way that makes security difficult. Existing plans for improvement are being brought forward and will take place in the next few weeks. As for the funding, while the money for the enhancement was transferred from Wychavon District Council it has always been destined for recreation purposes in North Claines. It is provided by developers as part of the cost of building new housing in the area.


Chairman, Recreation Committee,

North Claines Parish Council.