PARISH COUNCIL: Notes from the meeting:

Recreation ground benches: It was reported that additional work to the bench supports was needed as well as re-planking. This would be done in due course.

Land Registry: The clerk is to arrange a visit to Coventry to ascertain what needs to be done. The meeting identified several pieces of land that belonged to the parish council but there was uncertainty about others.

Butchers Road: The poor surface had been reported and the WDC had written to say they would address the problem in due course. The chairman agreed to point out the poor surface on the southern side of the Green at a site meeting. The matter of the continued recurrence of Severn Trent Water leaks at the top of Station Road was also brought up. The chairman reported that Severn Trent was tackling all mains and unfortunately Fladbury was in the middle of its plans and would take some time before the problem main was replaced.

County Council: Cllr Eyre reported that the A44 right-hand turning lanes had highlighted two major problems concerning the design and safety audit. These issues were being dealt with at the highest level. The lay-by is to be tidied up. It was hoped that PC Digger had stopped Severn Waste lorries using Fladbury as a rat-run on days when not collecting from Fladbury. Residents should report to the clerk (Mr R Coles) any misuse by Severn Waste.

Precept: The budget was approved and it was agreed that the precept for 2006/7 would be £14,250, a 5.6 per cent increase over the previous year.

Lighting: Cllr Carter (phone 860247) reminded the meeting and villagers that he was the contact for reporting faulty lights and he was able to deal with them quickly.

Next meeting: December 5 at 7.30pm in the Sports Pavilion.