DUE to a much lower income, I have been struggling to pay my council tax and as I am now paid monthly, instead of paying on the first of each month, I pay on the 10th of each month.

Despite never missing a payment, I received through the post a court summons for the full remaining amount plus an extra £50 because of late payments! I rang the council to explain the situation and was treated most unsympathetically. I was told that if I went to court I would just be adding to the costs that I would be forced to pay! Is this the country we now live in, where hard working, honest people, struggling to make a living and already foregoing many luxuries in life are persecuted in such a way?

I'm now hearing that with a revision of the council tax, I may soon have to pay even more for the pleasure of looking out my back window and for living the high life for actually owning a garage..........why?

Is my garage built on council property? Do the council pay for the upkeep and repairs of my garage? No, yet I will have to pay them for the privilege of having one! Where will this all end? Maybe increased council tax for the extra large rose bush in my garden, or maybe the several goldfish in my pond, or what about an increase because I have more than three 100 watt bulbs in my house?

I have never been in trouble and have never done anything dishonest in my life, but maybe the time has come to take advantage of that 'dodgy' cheap telly that I'm offered down the pub, or the cheap CD's from a dubious source!

After all, I have to save money somehow, because I can only dream of my yearly wage increase being in the same league as to emulate the council tax!

M Robbins

Lowes Hill