Lickey WI met at the parish hall on November 1. An outing to Chester had been enjoyed in October, despite the inclement weather.

Diana Kiteley reported on the first meeting of the newly-formed Bromsgrove and Hillside Group and Joan MacArthur gave an account of the recent Worcestershire Federation Half-Yearly Council meeting. Members were reminded that a coffee morning would be held by Mary Rollason later in November. A team was organised to play the first match of the county skittles tournament. Names were taken for planned theatre visits to see three different productions over coming months.

The president, Sue Mayne, introduced Janet Woodfield who demonstrated several seasonal floral arrangements. Janet used a variety of containers for her beautiful displays, which she assembled quite effortlessly while entertaining members with humorous anecdotes. Catherine Parker thanked Janet for keeping members spellbound with her skill and expertise. Four very lucky raffle winners were able to take home the finished arrangements.

The well supported competition for flower of the month was won by Janet Gorton.

At the next meeting, to be held at the parish hall on Tuesday, December 6, Lickey member Marguerite Hughes will talk about her experiences of cruising and Christmas carols will be sung. Members are invited to bring a gift for charity in place of the monthly competition and the overall competition winner for the year will be announced.