IT'S Sunday evening and once again I am sitting with my large dog, who is terrified of the extremely loud fireworks going on at the moment.

Do they have to be that loud? Why can't they be pretty and reasonably quiet. Every night this week there have been fireworks but at the weekend they almost drove my pet mad. She has been given tablets to calm her but they have not helped and she has spent several hours each night, shaking violently, being sick and worse.

I don't want to spoil anyone's fun but every year this gets worse, it's no longer just a couple of nights a year as it used to be. Any celebration now is an excuse to let off these noisy fireworks. I work with the elderly some of whom are in their 90's and they too are upset by these exhibitions.

I don't suppose this letter will make any difference at all, fireworks will still be available any time because of course people are willing to pay a lot of money for them and it seems these days that it is money which is the most important thing.

I know that I am not alone in feeling this way but I think that the people that sell and people that buy should realise the distress they can cause.

Pauline Nind

Resident Warden

Kathleen Field Court
