I AM greatly concerned by the news that Worcestershire Acute Hospital NHS Trust is considering closing local A&E, cancer surgery, critical care, etc., and moving them to Worcester.

Firstly, the Worcestershire Royal Hospital is a long way from the Barnt Green, Bromsgrove and Redditch areas in an emergency.

Secondly, the Worcestershire NHS trust must take into account the large population in north Worcestershire, and especially Redditch and Bromsgrove and the distance from these areas to Worcester. Plus the poor public transport for patients and visitors.

Thirdly, the trust must look at the map and see that north Worcestershire has three motorways, all close by. Plus fast roads e.g. A448 Bromsgrove-Redditch Highway, the A491 to Bromsgrove and the A435 to Redditch so that major motorway accidents, pile-ups or terrorist attacks needs adequate local hospital facilities. Also the railways.

If there has to be a merger, it would be better to merge with Birmingham hospitals, although Selly Oak and Queen Elizabeth are already overcrowded and one wonders where they could put the extra patients and staff.

I would also like to know why the government is not funding hospital services in our areas satisfactorily, when they say they are investing heavily in health. Is most of the money going to south -east England?

Mrs C Butterworth

Barnt Green