THE president, Maureen Smith, warmly welcomed the members to the meeting.

A letter had been received from the speaker of the September meeting thanking Sidemoor WI for its support of the Lifeboat Association and for its warm welcome to her.

Birthday greetings were given to the October birthday girls and the County Newsletter was read and discussed.

The speaker was unable to attend the meeting so Catherine, Jenny and Sylvia stepped in. Catherine read some Joyce Grenfell material, Sylvia read some of Pam Ayres' poems and Jenny gave a most interesting account of her work with blind students. She told of meeting Princess Anne during the course of her duties and how charming she was to the students. She gave an amusing account of the visit of Professor Carl Chinn. Everyone enjoyed the entertainment. The evening closed with various raffle prizes being won.

The competition, a piece of jewellery, was won by Carole Lawson. It had been an enjoyable evening.