SIR - I refer to your recent article that appeared on Friday, October 21, concerning Gary Kibblewhite and Louise Kennedy's parking tickets.

I don't condone Gary parking on double yellow lines but he has a point - why was it only his car that was targeted? Graham Vass says the cars may have had disabled stickers, in which case there is a maximum three hours allowed.

If, as Mr Kibblewhite says, some were there for seven hours, would they not have been 'caught' the next time the traffic warden did his round - or is it only a spot check?

As for Louise Kennedy's tickets, I think she should count herself very lucky to have had three cancelled for not displaying a disabled sticker. Having 'got away with it' once, how was she allowed to challenge two further penalties successfully?

If she parks with a disabled passenger and doesn't pay the parking fee, the sticker should always be displayed. If she, or anyone else chooses to drive 4x4s in towns and cities and not for the purpose they were intended, they should expect to pay more for parking as the wider vehicles cut down on available spaces for average-sized vehicles. I know I am not alone in this view.

