GARDEN CLUB: Harvington Horticultural Society's officers plan to report at the AGM on November 23 that they have had a successful year, with excellent speakers, interesting outings, challenging competitions and, most encouragingly, a steadily-increasing membership. Secretary Edith Capell, in her monthly newsletter, expresses thanks for the members' hard work in connection with the village autumn fair held last week in aid of the village hall appeal. This week sees them going by coach to Westonbirt Arboretum to enjoy the autumn colours, then comes the AGM with its usual business meeting followed by the traditional annual party. The society meets in the village hall on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm.

ANNUAL QUIZ: St James' Church social committee will be hosting the annual challenge quiz in the village hall on Saturday, November 12, starting at 7.30pm. This event was introduced a few years ago as a way of light-heartedly finding out which village organisation produces the Brains of Harvington. To this end, teams of four compete in a written quiz, the only reward being an entry on a plaque which graces the walls of the village hall. Onlookers are welcome for a small entrance charge. Ring Sue Coley on 870204 or Jess Fairs on 871228 for further information.

St James' Church held its family Litenite service early last Saturday evening and a pleasing number of families attended (some from other churches in the benefice) most of the children carrying their pumpkins as instructed. These were carried through a darkened church to the altar area where adults were waiting to put in the necessary nightlights, after which they were ranged along the altar rail and on windowsills. They were used to help to illustrate the theme of the service which was Darkness and Light. Children and parents contributed with the reading of prayers, scriptures, stories about the origins of Halloween and appropriate music.

TUNING UP: Harvington Singers are in rehearsal for their traditional Christmas concert which, as usual, will be held in St James' Church. The date is Friday, December 9. Tickets will shortly be on sale.

MURDER MYSTERY: The latest Hats production promises to be extremely interesting - another opportunity for would-be sleuths to exercise their little grey cells - one country house (Bagshot Manor) two murders, seven suspects, two guns and an axe, two policemen of dubious intellect and ten actors. The dates are November 17, 18 and 19. Ticket prices £7 which includes a glass of wine; concessions £6, obtainable from Rozanne Beard or other suspects.