In response to R Fownes letter (October 19), isn't it good that this Labour Government doesn't take the same attitude to the health service that 18 years of Tory government did, or we'd be in real trouble.

Under Dr Reid, massive investment was achieved, reducing waiting times, etc. It is also worth noting that a Labour health minister by the name of Nye Bevan altered our society beyond belief with the introduction of the health service, and the Tory party declared a 30-plus year war on the NHS? Had the Tories had another term, I think the only thing that the Alexandra Hospital would have been able to offer would have been band-aids and aspirins.

May I also point out that the NHS is funded through national taxation, not council tax? Our council tax goes to our squandering Tory/Independent Council, which our Member of Parliament keeps shtum about?

Come on, lets stop playing political ping-pong. Bromsgrove has major problems, lets get it right and move together. We should care less about political points and more about our community, which is sinking under incompetence and bad management.

Dr David Simones-Jones

Anthill House

Rock Hill
