RUBERY Community and Leisure Centre will seal Guy Fawkes' fate as part of their bonfire festivities.

Preparing for the display at Rubery - Phil Dent, assisted by his mother, Alice Dent (left) and Sue Babb.

The bonfire spectacular at the Centre in Holywell Lane, Rubery this Friday will kick off with a procession re-enacting the sentencing of Guy Fawkes, before inevitably condemning him to his blazing farewell at the top of the bonfire.

This will be followed by a grand firework display.

Chairman Phil Dent, local artist Sue Babb and Rubery's Community Development Officer, Julia Partridge, have been working with youngsters at Rubery Art Club based at the centre, to build a large effigy of Guy Fawkes.

"We have put together a much larger and more spectacular display for the 400th anniversary of Guy Fawkes' evil plot, and we will guarantee that nobody will go home disappointed this year," said Mr Dent.

Gates open at 6.30pm. Admission is £3 for adults and £2 for children and OAPs.

For more information or if anyone is willing to help on the night, call 0121 453 7716.