A 'golden hello' of up to £7,000 awaits the person who gets a top job at a local council after it couldn't find anyone good enough for the post.

Wychavon District Council advertised in September for a deputy managing director, following the resignation of Sonia Rees, but failed to attract candidates of a high enough calibre.

There were many applications, but only four were shortlisted and neither of the two interviewed were considered suitable.

As a result, the council has scrapped the original post and is concentrating on appointing a head of financial services as well as reviewing its pay and perks packages for senior managers.

Alan Marshall, who is the head of legal and support services at the council, said that the post would be readvertised but that the pos-ition of deputy managing director would be phased out.

"The job did not exist until the present incumbent was promoted into it," he said.

"The post which will be offered is the head of financial services, and the salary will be trimmed back to reflect this."

He said the 'golden hello' - or loyalty bonus - would not exceed 10 percent of the salary which is expected to be between £60,000 and £70,000.

The post of accountancy services manager is also vacant, and is currently being advertised with a salary of just over £40,000.