AN eagle eye will be kept on speeding drivers as part of a day highlighting service to the community.

Special constables will be out across rural areas of Wyre Forest on Saturday - Community Service Volunteers' Make a Difference Day - to educate drivers about speed awareness.

They will also be encouraging people to think about becoming specials, with information stands at the speed check sites and balloons and chocolates being handed out.

The North Worcestershire Specials Commandant, Chris Cookson, said: "The event is about working with the community to educate drivers about speed and road safety. We want to avoid giving out tickets, if possible.

"We hope it will encourage people to think not only about speed and road safety-related issues but also about becoming a special."

He added: "Make a Difference Day is about getting out there and actively making a difference through volunteering - people giving their time to provide practical assistance, rather than raising or donating money."

Specials give up at least four hours of their time each week and volunteers are drawn from all walks of life. They are given full training and are equipped to the same standard as regular officers, including wearing the same uniform.

For anyone thinking about becoming a regular officer, it enables people to find out more about police work while gaining practical experience.

Like regulars, specials carry out operational policing duties and attend incidents.

Among skills they can acquire are understanding of police work practices and procedures and communication.

Anyone interested in becoming a special constable can find out more on West Mercia Constabulary's website, at or by ringing the recruitment line on 01562 826027.