CHILDREN across Worc-estershire are being encouraged to let their creative talents start flowing during next week's half-term break.

The County Museum at Hartlebury Castle has a feast of craft activities in store for children from Saturday, October 22, to Sunday, October 30.

The activity days are from 11.30am to 4.30pm at weekends and from 10.30am to 4.30pm during the week. A lunch break will be taken from 1pm to 2pm each day.

On Saturday, October 22, the activities will be peg doll making, origami and hat making, while on Sunday, there will be peg dolls, brass rubbing and painting. The museum is closed on Monday.

On Tuesday, October 25, there is pumpkin carving, paper marbling, peg dolls and skeleton Jack. On Wednesday, the youngsters can enjoy pumpkin carving, tie dying and hat making.

On Thursday, there is pumpkin carving, Victor-ian scrapbooks, paper marbling, felt making, brass rubbing and snake mobiles. Friday's activities are pumpkin carving, felt making peg dolls, paper marbling and brass rubbing. On Saturday, October 29, there is pumpkin carving, print making and snake mob-iles, while on Sunday, the week's events conclude with pumpkin carving, Victorian scrapbooks, brass rubbing and print making.

There is a £3 charge for adults and a £1.50 charge for children and OAPs to enter the museum and an additional fee of £1.50 for each pumpkin and tea.