TOMORROW (Saturday), a coffee morning will be held at the Orchard Community Centre, Colletts Green from 10am. Entry is 50p to include coffee and biscuits. There will be the usual stalls plus raffle.

Sixteen members of Powick Parish Ramblers, plus three dogs, enjoyed a five-mile circular walk following the River Teme, starting at the old Powick bridge, last Monday morning. Another takes place on Monday at 10am, when Joy and Phil Bunyan will lead a five-mile walk starting at Leigh Church. For more details, ring (01886) 832774.

Last Thursday Powick Primary School celebrated harvest at St Peter's Church, Powick, when Lesley Towey (the diocesan children's office) welcomed everyone - pupils, teachers, parents and friends - to the service and also gave the address and blessing. Harvest songs were led by the children and the choir (musical director Jan Appleby). The story of Jesus' feeding the 5,000 was read by year six children and prayers were said by Danny Witt, James Cullen, Tom Busher, Chris Jeffrey and Sally Green. The harvest gifts were distributed to St Paul's Hostel and Maggs Day Centre in Worcester.

The friends of St Peter's (Powick) have arranged a guided walk and talk on the history of the church by David Oliver on Sunday, October 30 at 3.30pm. Admission is £2 to include tea and biscuits, children free.

The exhibition of church linen and vestments, as used by clergy over many years, proved a success and was admired by many people including members of Powick Guild. Special thanks are expressed to Thea Wild, Frances Betts and Rita de Boer and the band of helpers and stewards who welcomed visitors and served refreshments at Powick Church. Donation towards new pew cushions totalled £160.