STAUNTON and Corse CE School held a spectacular firework display on Saturday evening and local residents could also enjoy from their own gardens too.

A working party did sterling work in Staunton Parish churchyard, getting it into good order for the winter months, they made a great job cutting all the edges along the paths too.

The October get-together coffee morning in the lounge at Johnstone Close was very well attended. There is always a bring and buy table and a good raffle with prizes, which have been donated. The proceeds go to Staunton Church funds.

The day centre for the housebound is also held in the lounge. They are collected from their homes by volunteer drivers and have cooked lunch. The day centre is organised by Jane Evans and the lunch is cooked by Gwen Pugh and helpers.

Also once a fortnight, a service of holy communion is held in the lounge, conducted by Canon John Evans or The Rev. Penny Hamer.