Just thought I'd share a fantastic website with the Gazette and its readers.

The website is http://groups.yahoo.com/ group/malvernhillsfreecycle, which is a site where unwanted items can be advertised and recycled free of charge. No money changes hands, so items advertised are totally free to the new owner. Items that have recently been advertised include a Peugeot 205, camcorder, video, slimming magazines and much, much more.

These unwanted items would probably end up at the local tip and turned into landfill, which in our environmentally-friendly town is something we should want to avoid. There is also the opportunity to put wanted items onto the website in the hope that someone has the item lying in their shed or loft.

This site is an excellent resource and one that all should register for and it is all for free and there are not many things that you can get for free.

Jayne Cresswell, Blandford Close, Welland.