KIDDERMINSTER angler Kevin Driver, who fishes for MN Autos, came third in the Sunday Open, fishing peg 30, where he landed 64lb 8oz of fish, including 17lb 6oz of quality roach and golden orfe, and three chub to 3lb. He was fishing down the edge.

Maggot, worm and caster are all doing well, as are 6mm Furnace feed expander pellets, the green ones being the most popular. Paste and corn have also produced some quality fish.

Sunday Open: Williams (MCM Meat) 77-8 (peg 15), Dave Hobbis (Vine AC) 74-2 (5), Driver (MN Autos) 64-8 (30).

The times for the open have changed - the draw is at 10am, and fishing from 11am until 4pm).

Book to compete in the open on 01299 266777. For queries check the website on