FARMERS and advisers are being invited to attend a free half-day conference at Pershore College on Thursday, November 3, focusing on the new Agricultural Waste Regulations and offering real practical advice.

"Most farmers and growers are eager to ensure that they do their best for the environment," said Tony Turner, regional co-ordinator for ADAS and organiser of the conference.

"Our aim is to raise the profile of environment sensitive farming overall and we want to start discussing the effects of the new Agricultural Waste Directive which is due in December and how this will affect individual farmers."

He explained: "We have organised the day so farmers will be given an overview of Environment Sensitive Farmers by a speaker from ADAS. This will then be followed by a session from the Environment Agency on what the new regulations will mean from a regulatory point of view. There will then be a session with some practical advice on what farmers will need to do in terms of derogation and we will conclude with a farmer speaker who will outline what all this will mean down on the farm."

To reserve a free place call 0845 602 3864 or book online at