THROUGHOUT this year, we have been remembering the end of World War Two and giving thanks that our country has enjoyed 60 years of peace.

But, as we all know, during that same period members of our Armed Forces have been in action all over the world and are today working to keep the peace in many places, particularly Iraq and Afghanistan.

Inevitably, all conflicts result in casualties and those brave men and women still affected by their injuries need the support of the Royal British Legion just as much today as when this excellent institution was founded nearly 90 years ago.

In 2004 the Poppy Appeal raised an all-time record sum

May I ask the residents of Bromsgrove and district to be even more generous this year. Every penny helps in the struggle to help those who have fought on our behalf, and their families, to lead as comfortable and stress-free a life as possible and to keep alive the comradeship of the Royal British Legion.

Cllr Mrs J Dyer


Bromsgrove District Council