RESIDENTS of Worcestershire are being encouraged to leap into action to help keep their hearts beating healthily.

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) is launching two initiatives in the county to encourage young people to get some fun exercise and to recruit more volunteers to its ranks.

It is holding skipping workshops in Worcester and Droitwich for health-minded teachers who want to learn the benefits of this traditional school playground activity.

BHF skipping workshop co-ordinator Emma Boyle said: "The workshops will inspire teachers to take skipping back to their schools. It will arm them with all the information and skills they need to teach skipping - a great way to get kids of all ages and abilities moving."

The workshops are after schools hours on November 2 in Droitwich and November 23 in Worcester.

The charity also wants to boost volunteer numbers in the county and has a number of home-based opportunities for people with a wide range of skills and interests.

Sian Sydall, Volunteer Manager, said: "Whatever or whoever motivates people to volunteer, they will be making a real different to the work of the BHF, helping us to keep vulnerable hearts beating."

To attend a skipping workshop or find out more about volunteering ring Sian on 01905 425714.