THE club continues to look at railways from around the world, with a slide presentation on the Darjeeling & Himalayan railway.

This is the first time we have had a presentation about this railway and it is the first time the speaker has also visited the club.

David Barrie, an expert on this line, will be with us to give a presentation entitled the past present and future of the line. David has visited the line many times and has first-hand knowledge of it, so we are all looking forward to a very interesting evening. The meeting will be held today (Wednesday) at St Goldwald's Church Hall, Aston Fields near Bromsgrove railway station. Doors open at 7.15 for a 7.45pm start. There will be refreshments and a book stall. All are very welcome. For details contact Dave on 01527 873800 or Gordon on 01527 873609.