CONTROVERSIAL plans to create a community centre for residents on the Brockhill estate were earmarked for refusal last night.

The plan was to create a residential care home, convenience store, doctor's surgery, children's nursery and 30 shared-ownership homes on greenbelt land off Hewell Road.

However, council officers recommended that planning committee members refuse the proposal on the grounds it is contrary to the forthcoming Local Plan 3. It has also been determined many of the facilities were not needed.

The officers' report stated that, with regards to the nursery, there were already two nurseries in close proximity to the proposed development and six within one mile of it. It also said creating another convenience store would have a detrimental effect on business at Batchley district centre, which is only 570m from the site.

The report also said the Primary Care Trust had not identified the need for a doctor's surgery in this area.

A total of 10 letters of objection were also received from neighbours, who were concerned about increase in traffic and noise pollution as well as creating a visual eyesore.

They were also concerned a convenience store would attract congregating youths and have anti-social delivery hours.