I SO much wanted to fall for this album.

Four times I listened to it in the car and then again at home, hoping I'd missed some of the finer points. But it just never happened.

It all starts off well with thumping guitars and lead Chad Kroeger's stylish vocals. The drum-laden Follow You Home and Right For All The Wrong Reasons give the album a powerful start. But it then ebbs away with Photograph - it may be the first single from the album but it lacks punch.

Savin' Me and Far Away are from the same rock ballad stable and by now the interest is waning.

The heavy guitar and drum sound of the band are excellent but just when the album looks to get going they go and throw a spanner in the works by going all melancholic.

At least it finishes on a high with the pick of the tracks, Rockstar, a song that includes the poignant lines: "I'll get washed-up singers writing all my songs, lip sync 'em every night so I don't get 'em wrong, then listen to the fans tell me how damn good I am." Enough said!