THERE will be a classical concert at the Downs School Memorial Hall tomorrow (Saturday) at 7.30pm. Tickets, including refreshments £5, children free, are available from John Goodwin Estate Agent Colwall, Denis Savage, Coddington Vineyard (01531) 640688 or on the evening of the concert. This is in aid of All Saints Church, Coddington. Wine and canaps will be served in the interval.

The Derby and Joan club will be holding a bring and buy sale at Chevenham on October 15, starting at 10am until noon. There will be a cake stall and raffle. Admission is 20p. If you have any unwanted items for the above, please contact Adele on 07708 981 224 to arrange collection.

Harvest festival service will be on Sunday (October 9) at 10.15am at St James' Church, Colwall. Do come along and hear about the work of Send a Cow, with particular reference to what is happening in Rwanda.

A reminder about the village quiz, which will take place on Friday, November 4, at the village hall. Each team requires four members and £5 to enter. There will be a bar and raffle available on the night.