PLANS to revitalise a large area of public space in Upton are under way.

The area around the abandoned railway embankment is the focus of the scheme, which could attract funding.

Upton's Community Pride group is proposing the creation of a tree-lined walkway through the playing field to the embankment and new planting, sculptures and seats on the embankment itself.

The group discussed the plans in detail at a meeting on Tuesday (October 4), after a recent Town Plan questionnaire showed residents wanted the quality of open spaces improved.

Town clerk Gill Jennings said she felt the scheme would be of benefit to Upton.

"I hope it will encourage people to walk more and appreciate the landscape and local countryside," she said.

Ms Jennings is confident that the scheme will go ahead and said the possibility of funding was being investigated.

Chris Mayes, landscape officer of Malvern Hills District Council, is playing an active part in developing the plans.

"We are happy to help improve the natural environment and can offer time and expert advice," he said.

It is hoped a firm proposal will be in place by late autumn, to allow tree-planting to commence in spring 2006.

Community Pride is keen for local children to get involved in planting and designing sculptures for the area.

Mr Mayes said this would offer on-going benefits.

"If a child plants a tree they take ownership of and responsibility for it for years, perhaps generations to come" he said.