BARN DANCE: St James' church annual harvest barn dance was held in the village hall last Friday evening and, with more than 60 people present, was considered to have been a great success. Organisers were particularly pleased by the presence of a group of young villagers, one of them celebrating their 17th birthday. The band was given an especially appreciative round of applause at the end of the evening when their leader confirmed that this was to be their last appearance in Harvington, their retirement being imminent. Sue Coley, chairman of the church social committee, presented each member of the trio with a bottle of wine as a farewell gift. She and the other members of the committee were themselves thanked at the Sunday morning service for all their effort in organising such a happy and lucrative event, the proceeds of which will be given to charity.

CHURCH'S VISION: St James' church has been running a crusade aimed at revitalising the church with an eye to the future while, at the same time, raising its regular income so that more money can be spared for further initiatives and for distribution to a greater number of causes. The crusade reaches its climax on Sunday, October 23, which will be known as Promise Sunday, the day on which members and friends of the church re-dedicate themselves to its future existence and progress. That day, therefore, there will be no morning service, but in the evening at 6.30pm there will be a special gathering of all members, friends and well-wishers at which thanks will be given for the thought and effort and co-operation which have marked this latest undertaking.

Tramps' SUPPER: The art club's latest fund-raising event for the village hall appeal fund takes place on Saturday evening, a Tramps' Supper. Tickets are £6 for supper, some mind-teasing entertainment and a chance to win a prize as the most imaginatively-dressed tramp or trampess. Inquiries for tickets, to Jess Fairs 871228 or Brian Egan 870934.