We were welcomed to our September meeting by Jenny Marsh, our president. Our secretary, Ann Ballard, read the minutes, dealt with the correspondence and various items from the County Newsletter. We heard about the possible move from WI House, the recruitment campaign for 2005-6 and were reminded about our group meeting at Wychbold.

Suggestions were put forward for our Christmas lunch. Phyll Healey spoke about the Awards For All lottery funding and urged our WI to take part. Jean Westwood reported on the WI's 90th birthday tea party where ladies had worn posh hats and pearls. A delightful photo of some of our ladies was passed around. She said Worcestershire had celebrated really well and congratulated the performing arts group on the excellent entertainment. Tricia Kenny kept us up to date on the refurbishment of the village hall. We then had a table top sale, a huge variety of goodies had been brought in with all proceeds going to ACWW.

The flowers for the afternoon had been provided by Jennifer Carter and Jean Brettell. June Nicholson won the raffle and Mary Gray won the competition with her table top limerick.