WORCESTER residents are being reassured that 24-hour emergency fire control will remain based in the city centre until satisfactory alternative arrangements are made.

The Worcester News ran a story on Wednesday reporting that fire stations in Worces-ter, Malvern and Droitwich could be closed and moved out of town centres under proposals announced by Hereford-shire and Worcestershire Fire and Rescue Authority in its three-year plan for 2006-09.

The moves would be funded from the sale of current sites, all of which are in prime locations.

Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service spokes-man Alec Mackie has given an assurance that the 20 members of staff who man the vital fire control around the clock every day of the year, will remain in the Deansway building until a satisfactory alternative has been arranged and is ready to take over.

"The Government is setting up what they call regional fire controls which will take all emergency calls," he said.

"There are plans for one at Wolverhampton Business Park which would take the calls for Worcestershire.

"But Hereford and Worces-ter fire control will remain where it is until this is up and running - if indeed it comes to that.

"The Deansway building would definitely not be sold until that time."