MAY I have a grumble about the gully-drains, they are a disgrace.

In Wilton Road, two at the bottom end have not been cleaned for over 12 months, also Gilbert Road and the ones at the top of the road are so blocked they are growing weeds. The drains at the bottom of Avenue Road and Barnards Green Road are full of leaves and silt.

Perhaps if the road sweeper went around the drains and not over them they would not be quite so full of leaves, it may help the situation.

When we had the storms on Friday the streets were so flooded, I got soaked by a bow wave, caused by some idiot driving fast up the road.

I rang the council and was put through to the department concerned and they told me it was Severn Trent's responsibility. I spoke to Severn Trent they informed me they are only responsible for the sewer drains, and it was the council's job.

For goodness sake, what are we paying our Council Tax for, just so that problems can be passed from one to another department?

I hope this grumble will make the persons responsible sit up and take notice.

GEORGINA EDWARDS, Wilton Road, Malvern.