GEORGE Cowley's glittering literary career is hardly likely to be enhanced if he resorts to selective misleading quotes, or has he a hidden agenda?

What I actually said in these columns on Friday, September 9, was "Christianity is about punishment for wrong-doing. It is also about repentance and forgiveness. Christianity can and often does, change men and women's, boys' and girls' hearts and lives."

Mr Cowley appears, with great respect, to be an advocate of the No Blame Brigade; the pseudo-intellectuals, who with their Noddy Book theories, have brought our once Christian nation to its current parlous state of moral, social and economic decadence.

With a view to aiding George's training and development, I have in the past, sent him a copy of The War Cry among other publications - perusal of which might help the worthy scribe to appreciate the difference between religion and Christianity. God bless you, George!

