AN organisation which provides a host of community activities at the heart of the Conway Estate in Alcester has branched out into helping young parents.

Alcester Opportunities has just launched YoPa's (Young Parent's) Caf which holds drop-in sessions on Wednesdays from 12.30-3.30pm.

The caf's aim is to bring parents-to-be and young mums and dads together to discuss any issues involved in becoming a parent at an early age.

The group is aimed at under-25s but onlyhas participants under 20 at the moment.

The caf is co-ordinated by Catherine Escott from South Warwickshire Primary Care Trust (PCT).

Mrs Escott said: "Very often these parents face a certain amount of stigma because people think they are too young.

"YoPa's Caf will provide the young parents of Alcester with somewhere to go where they don't feel they are being stared at simply because of their age.

"They will get to talk to others about things concerning them and know these people have probably experienced exactly the same thing.

"We're also aware it's an expensive time for these young parents so we're trying to make things a bit easier for them.

"At one session we'll be arranging a hairdresser to come and give them free cuts."

The scheme will initially run until October 12 and continue if it proves popular.

Alcester Opportunities received a grant from Warwickshire Together in 2003 to extend and refurbish the sports pavilion on the Conway Estate into a community building and to employ a community development worker to create a range of community activities.