WHAT a surprise! As far as members were aware it was our usual monthly meeting, but as each of us arrived at the village hall we were given a glass of wine and shown to tables that were beautifully decorated with flowers and balloons proclaiming happy 90th birthday. This month is of course the 90th birthday of the WI.

Thanks must go to Shirley, our president, and all the members of the committee for the time and thought given to keeping the secret and making it such fun.

Everyone who attended agreed that the visit to Evesham Country had been very enjoyable and expressed thanks to Audrey for organising the day. Shirley thanked everyone on behalf of Lynne for their support at the produce show, which had been a very special village event and also had raised £201 for club funds. Thanks were also expressed to members who generously gave their time to provide refreshments at the open garden weekend at Geoff Webb's. An impressive £50 was raised from teas and sent onto the County Air Ambulance Service.

Other dates for the diary:

A small group of flower arrangers representing Fairfield WI and St Mark's Church will be contributing to decorations in the church.

October 7, St Mark's Church Harvest Supper - tickets from Mary Fairbairn

October 20, group meeting at Catshill Working Men's Club

Our speaker for the evening was David Chatterly who delivered a most informative talk on the history of the Teddy bear. David described himself as an arctophile - an avid collector of Teddy bears. His current collection is in excess of 300 bears. Shirley gave the vote of thanks noting David's level of enthusiasm and extensive knowledge of his hobby.

The competition for a favourite Teddy was won by Jo, with Olga second and Anne's bear judged as third.

Our next meeting is on October 12. It is our AGM - an important evening, so to encourage you to attend what is not always viewed as the most entertaining of our meetings, the committee have arranged a fish and chip supper.

The competition is an arrangement of berries.