DELICE welcomed members and Miriam read the minutes, which were approved.

The garden meeting raffle raised £40 for the Acorns Hospice.

Sheila Baskefield gave a report on the Broadway town walk, 40 WI members were escorted by two Cotswold Park Rangers and explored the town, learning about the history and the buildings.

This was followed by another lovely supper.

The picnic walk had been a great success, Delice's timing with the tea had been perfect, and everyone who went agreed it had been a lovely afternoon.

On September 8 the WI Trotters had their last walk of the year.

Rosemary Smith gave a summary of the many things we had seen on the walks, especially the wildlife and thanked Sheila and Miriam for all their hard work.

It was agreed that the Mrs Gale's Jug would be awarded in February for the best bowl of three hyacinths, members to buy their own bulbs. Rosemary Smith said she had already arranged three skittles matches and was looking for more team members.

The last Lenchton group meeting will be held in Inkberrow in October and about 16 of our members said they would like to attend.

The next Dabble Day is on October 15. The October meeting is the AGM and the competition will be A Leaf Collage.

Delice then introduced our speaker Ursula Bryant, her subject was Oriental Art.

She told us that in 1970, whilst in Malaysia, a friend suggested they went to a class at the YMCA given by Mr Chung.

After showing us some of her paintings, which were on rice paper, she painted a bamboo which was beautiful and the members were fascinated and could hardly tear themselves away for tea.

The competition was won by Irene Dalton, second Betty Curthoys. Ann Edger won the raffle.