WELL done Malvern, I can't think of another similarly sized town in the UK that would allow blaring rock music to boom across the centre of town practically all day long with little warning and general public awareness of the event, as happened at last Saturday's Party in the Park.

Even those of us who didn't attend the event felt like we did - the noise was drowning out the last Night of the Proms on our TV and we have double-glazing and live a third of a mile away. Fortunately, it finished at 11.05pm, after starting at noon, so we got some sleep through throbbing heads.

If it needed to have live music as part of its appeal, why didn't the council provide a suitable indoor venue for the purpose and then noise wouldn't have been such an issue.

Also, why was an afternoon party allowed to continue well past dark and into the late evening with no lessening of volume and so only succeed in giving the rest of us a headache.

Coming on top of various other noise-related events in this part of the world - I understand events at the Three Counties Showground continue to cause problems in this regard - we seem now to have an open-door policy to such events.

Keep it up council arts person, Glastonbury has a new rival, blow our cobwebs and eardrums away.

S SLACK, Priory Road, Great Malvern.