THE zig-zag drive to St Ann's Well is called the Victoria Drive and was completed during the time the Duchess of Kent was in Malvern in 1830, said Gazette columnist Ariel 100 years ago.

"Her Royal Highness, with the young princess, afterwards Queen Victoria, was the first to ascend it to the Well, an immense number of spectators being present.

"Foley Terrace, of course, is well known, and it was made at the expense of Mr E Foley. From the upper part of it a walk was made to St Ann's Well in 1837, at the suggestion of Miss Spencer Stanhope.

"The path from the foot of the valley, leading round to the Ivy Scar Rock, is Lady Mary Talbot's Walk; the pathway above which leads to the top of the North Hill is Lady Lambert's Walk, and the path from the top to the Sugar Loaf and Beacon is Lord Grenville's walk."