SOME aspects of the appointment of Mrs K Tedstone to the District Housing Trust board at the Bromsgrove District Council meeting two weeks ago, which you reported in your last issue, concerned me.

Cllr Nick Psirides gave us a fair account of Cllr Ann Doyle's relevant experience when he nominated her. Cllr Dennis Norton, on the other hand said nothing about Mrs Tedstone. He told us that everyone knew her, though I for one do not, so I had no means of judging whether she might be a useful addition to the housing trust.

It would be a good idea if there were job specifications for at least the appointments to outside bodies the council has to make. Without them, however, we should still be given a reasoned explanation, and on this occasion we were not.

Whatever the merits of the person who is appointed, the manner of this appointment does not do any credit to the authority.

Gordon Selway

Cllr, Slideslow ward (Lib Dem)