PRESIDENT Barbara Haskell welcomed everyone to the September meeting of Chaddesley Corbett WI and thanked Pat Scott for organising the refreshments.

The treasurer pointed out that the annual subscriptions were now due and envelopes had been provided for the cheques. An evening talk entitled Kenya would take place next Wednesday at 7pm at Chaddesley Corbett Village Hall, the cost would be £11 to include wine and supper. There will be a matinee outing to the Malvern Theatre to see Rebecca on October 26 at 2.30pm.

Barbara thanked everyone who had helped with the fete teas and a letter had been received from the fete committee thanking us.

Places are still available for the planned outing to Jonathons on December 9 for flower demonstrations and afternoon tea, and the day trip to London on October 31. A letter was read out to the members regarding the sale of WI house. The committee said they would inform members of further details as they become available. The speaker for the evening was Mr Nicholls, who gave a fascinating talk about the care of jewellery and precious stones.

Maureen McCallum gave the vote of thanks. Coffee and social time followed and completed the evening.