A COMMUNITY wood in the Spa is being designated as a local nature reserve.

At Wychavon's executive board meeting last week members heard about Droitwich Community Woods, adjacent to the A38, Roman Way and the River Salwarpe.

It was designated as a site of special scientific interest in 1956 for its importance for salt loving species only found on one other inland site in Britain and remnants of an original salt marsh. But it was de-scheduled in 1984 as installation of drainage and development of the urban fringe had reduced and devalued the site.

It is owned by Wychavon District Council but is managed jointly with Worcester Wildlife Trust.

In order to designate it as a local nature reserve Wychavon was required to consult with English Nature.

This involved submitting a management plan with a letter requesting its support. The council has received a letter back from the group supporting the scheme.

The management plan for the site includes information on the council's objectives to improve the site for both people and wildlife.

There is also information on the main areas and species of interest as well as chapters on site description and habitat management timetable.

It is hoped the local nature reserve designation will improve the site's wildlife status.

The aim is to improve visitor enjoyment and respect for the site by its users.

It is also hoped the designation of the site for its wildlife value, along with the management plan, will improve the habitats of rare salt marsh-dwelling species.

Wychavon hopes it will secure further funding from the Forestry Commission or Defra in order to develop the site further.