AT King Charles I School, the following students achieved the number of GCSE passes shown, with the number at grades A*-C in brackets.

Daniel Adams 11 (7), Samantha Amos 9 (8), Carrie-Ann Andrews 9 (4), Rachel Andrews 11.5 (10.5), Katie Armstrong 4, David Ashcroft 9 (1), James Ashton 9 (1), Janelle Aston 9 (6), Richard Badger 9 (5), Lloyd Baker 9 (1), Sarah Baldwin 13.5 (13.5), Sarah Bannister 9, Ashley Barker 8, Natasha Barker 10.5 (8.5), Ian Barnes 9 (3), Clareece Bartlett 9 (2), Matthew Baulk 9.5 (8.5), Sarah Bedworth 9.5 (9.5), Ahsana Begum 9 (7), Lili Begum 10, Salma Begum 9 (2), Sophie Bell 11 (6), Jessica Bennett 9, Louis Benton 9 (1), Lewis Bevan 13.5 (13.5), Craig Biles 9 (6), Carlamarie Billingham 9.5 (8), Francesca Birch 9 (7), Glenn Bladen 8, Daniel Booth 9.5 (7), Scott Booth 9 (1), Laura Bourne 9.5 (6.5), Jodie Bower 7 (1), Ben Bowett (Smith) 9, Mark Boxall 9 (4), David Breakwell 9 (5), Matthew Breakwell 9, Jonathan Brittain 9 (5), Adam Brookes 11, Alex Brookes 9 (3), Oliver Bryant 9 (2), Laura Buckley 9 (9), James Buncle 13.5 (13.5), Emma Burbridge 10 (4).

Alex Cadwallader 9 (8), David Canty 10 (1), Benjamin Cartwright 7 (1), Hayley Catmur 9.5 (9.5), Andrew Cavendish 9.5 (8.5), James Chadbourne 9, Zoe Chamberlain 9 (3), Christopher Chapman 9.5 (9.5), Adam Church-Millward 9.5 (8.5), William Coldrick 10 (3), Charlotte Coles 13.5 (13.5), Emma Cooper 11 (1), Lucy Cotgrave 9.5 (9.5), Sian Crofts 9.5 (9.5), Hayley Crowther 9.5 (9.5), Laura-Ashlee Crumpton (Atkins) 9.5 (7.5), Wynette Darkes 8 (1), Katie Davies 9 (7), Peter Davies 9.5 (6), Luke Davis 9 (1), Jamie Del Vecchio 9 (6), Adam Dickens 9, Aiden Dourneen 9 (8), Jack Draper 9 (6), Sadie-May Dyas 8 (1).

Hannah Eades 13.5 (13.5), Jack Edmonds 9.5 (8.5), Marc Edwards 9.5 (9.5), Robert Edwards 9.5 (8.5), Thomas Edwards 9.5 (9.5), Jessica Evans 9.5 (8.5), Johnathan Evans 9 (2), Leigh Evans 9.5 (2.5), Thomas Farman 9.5 (9.5), Sheridan Faulkner 10 (4), Emily Fawkes 9 (4), Emily Fawkes 9 (4), Liam Foster 7, Phillip Foster 9 (8), Carlie Freeman 11, James Frost 9 (3), Curtis Fudge 9 (4), Megan Gear 8 (2), Debbie Golding 10 (1), Katie Golding 9.5 (7.5), Rebekka Goodman 9.5 (9.5), Luke Goold 9.5 (9), Jack Gore 13.5 (11.5), Lauren Gray 13.5 (13.5), Emma Greenwood 9.5 (9.5), Kayleigh Grice 11.5 (11.5), Karli-Dawn Gunn 11 (1).

Jade Hall 11 (6), William Harding 9, Laura Harris 11, Jonathan Harrison 6, Aron-Lee Hart 8, Laura Harvey 11 (2), Michael Harvey 9 (5), Hannah Haycock 9, Emma Hillman 8 (1), Laura Hobbis 11.5 (5), Daniel Holden 8 (3), Christopher Holloway 9.5 (6.5), Daniel Horton 9.5 (8.5), Sarah-Beth Humble 9.5, Laura Hunt 9.5 (9.5), Rebecca Hutton 7 (2), Alexandra Ireland 13.5 (13.5), Nicholas Isaacs 9 (1), Jason Jagoda 9 (8), Cherrelle James 9 (1), Joshua James 8 (1), Simone Jenks 8, Christopher Johnson 9.5 (8.5), Alison Johnston 9.5 (9.5), Alanah Jones 9, Benjamin Jones 9.5 (4), Benjamin M Jones 9.5 (4), Katherine Jones 13.5 (13.5), Nicholas Jones 9 (2), Leigh Keeble 9 (4), Andrewjames Kelly 8 (1), Benjamin Kerrigan 3, Ashia Khatun 10 (2), Husna Khatun 9 (9), Andrew Kimberlin 9.5 (9.5), Kelly Knight 13.5 (13.5), Kirsty Knight 9.5 (9.5), Stuart Knight 10.

Princeton Lancaster 13.5 (13.5), Kelly Langston 9.5 (2), Carly Lewis 9.5 (9.5), Kim Lindsey 8 (7), Sarah Lojko 9.5 (9.5), Joe Loveridge 9.5 (6), Alice Lown 13.5 (13.5), Aaron Lucas 9, Adam Luckman 9 (2); Shulah MacDonald 9.5 (7.5), Saul Malpass 9.5 (8.5), Steven Mann 9 (7), Luke Mansell 9 (5), Kieran Marchant 9 (6), Casey Mares 9.5 (4.5), Ricky Massey 9.5 (9.5), Jade Matthews 9.5 (8.5), Matthew May 7 (1), James McHugh 6 (1), Megan McKenzie 9.5 (8.5), Kamran Miah 7, Tahmim Miah 8 (5), Sean Millette 9.5 (5.5), Rebecca Moore 9.5 (9.5), Cynthia Morley 8, Alexander Morris 9 (5), Gareth Morris 11, Laura Murphy 11 (7), Kayleigh Neal 9 (7).

Alix Oakley 9.5 (8), James Oakley 13.5 (13.5), Rachael Osborne 9.5 (8.5), Howard Painter 9 (8), Conrad Palmer 9 (2), Matthew Panteli 9.5 (9.5), Darren Paolucci 8 (1), Lucy Parker 9 (4), Liana Pedrotti 9.5 (9.5), Daniel Penson 9. (8), Michael Peplow 13.5 (13.5), Max Phillips 9, Hannah Pietkowicz 9.5 (9.5), Nicola Pitt 11.5 (11.5), James Pollitt 8 (2), Lewis Pountney 9.5 (4), Christopher Powell 9.5 (9.5), Kate Powell 13.5 (13.5). Danny Power 6, Emily Preece 9.5 (9.5), Robert Price 8 (1), Brett Priest 9 (9), Casey Pugh 9 (4), Robert Quinn 9.5 (4).

Rahat Rashid 9 (9), Francesca Reece 9.5 (9.5), Samantha Robb 9.5 (9.5), Jessica Roberts 9.5 (9.5), Marc Roberts 9.5 (8), Stacey Roberts 8, Katherine Roden 2, Luke Roden 9 (3), Joanne Rowberry 9.5 (9.5), Luke Rowberry 9 (4), Roseanne Rowberry 8, Alistair Ruddick 9 (2), Sarah Rundle 9.5 (9.5), Natalie Ruscoe 13.5 (13.5), Scott Saunders 9 (7), Alexander Setchell 11 (3), Oliver Sewell 9.5 (7), Lewis Sheldon 9, Jessica Sheward 10 (9), David Silcock 8 (6), Michael Siviter 9.5 (8.5), Fiona Skidmore 9.5 (9.5), David Smith 9 (7), Joshua Smith 9, Leilana Smith 1, Nikki Smith 9 (4), Gemma Southall 8 (1), Sabrina Spicer 9.5 (9.5), Dean Stanley 11, Nathan Steward-Round 9 (3).

Shane Tandy 9 (6), Cassie Taylor 11 (5), Elliot Taylor 9 (7), Shane Taylor 8 (8), William Terry 9.5 (7), Kimberley Thomas 9.5 (9.5), Jessica Thresh 9.5 (8), Clare Tolley 9 (7), Jessica Tracey 9.5 (9.5), Hadley Trenfield 9 (2), Ellen Turner 9.5 (9.5), Matthew Walcott 9.3 (3), Ian Waldock 9.5 (9.5), Charles (Adam) Walker 13.5 (12.5), Daniel Walker 9.5 (9.5), Charlotte Wall 9.5 (7), Sarah Ward 9 (3), Liam Wears 9.5 (8.5), Charlotte Webb 9.5 (5.5), Jenifer White 9.5 (9.5), Amy Whitefoot 9.5 (3), Carl Whitehouse 7, Victoria Whitehouse 9.5 (9.5), Rebecca Wilcox 9.5 (9.5), Elisha Williams 9 (5), Michael Williams 8 (4), Sebastian Williams 9.5 (8.5), Thomas Williams 13.5 (13.5), Mark Wills 6, Timothy Wilson 11 (3), John Winfield 9.5 (8.5), Roseanne Woodruffe 9 (3), Matthew Woodward 9.5 (6), Holly Woodyatt 9 (2), Alexander Worthington 13.5 (12.5), Victoria Worton 9.5 (9.5).

King Charles I High School students achieved A (and AS) level passes in the subjects indicated.

Alasdair Amos C, FM, GS, Ma, P; Laura Atkinson A, En, GS, Med; Matthew Bailey BS, G, It; Rachel Baldwin A, PE, Ps; Stephen Banks En, GS (AS), James Batson GS, IT, SCT, SPU (AS); Richard Baulk C (AS), G, GS (AS), H, IT; Christopher Beech BS (AS), En, G (AS), GS AS); Kate Bevan En, G, GS, S; Andrew Bickerton E, En, G, GS, Ma; Carl Biles GS, PE; Christopher Bowler En, G (AS), GS (AS), H; Olivia Broadley GS, HS, Mu, S; Suzie Bullivant Med, PE, S; Liam Burgess B, GS, H, SPU (AS); Lindsay Burton En, GS, Mu, PD (AS), Ps; Joanne Butcher A, En, GS, H, Ma.

Tara Chester C (AS), E, GS, Ma, PE; Lai Kay Cheung B, C, GS, Ma; Sarah Clark En (AS), G, HS, S; Andrea Common BS, En, GS, Ps; Charles Connolly LR, PE; David Crookson C, GS, Ma, P; Gemma Dandy E, G, Med; Elizabeth Dourneen B, C, GS, Ma, Ps (AS); Daniel Edwards G; Nicholas Faulkner GS, IT, LR, SCT; Christopher Fellows BS, HS, LR; Matthew Forester G (AS), GS, IT, SPU (AS); Stephanie Frame En, GS, PE, Ps; Sarah Gill B, G, GS, S; Dale Gough PE; Andrew Grazier B, G, GS, IT; Bryony Green GS, HS, PD, S; Thomas Griffin GS, PE, PE (AS), SCT; John Griffiths G, GS, Ma, SCT.

Mark Hassall A, F (AS), Ge, GS, Ma; Kirsty Henderson En, GS, Ps, S; Katie Hines En, F (AS), GS, Ma, Ps; Sean Hinton BS, G, GS, IT, Med; Nicola Hollick BS, C (AS), GS, LR; Kimberlee James En, FM, GS, Ma, P; Heidi Jarosinski G, GS, LR, PE; Emily Jones B, C, GS, H, Ma (AS); Jennifer Jones En, G, GS, Ma, P; Mandeep Kaur BS, En, Ge; Benjamin Kenyon En (AS), G, GS, PE; Stephanie Leverton E (AS), En, F, GS, Ps; Katie Levitt B, C, GS, Ma (AS), PE; Thomas Maisey C (AS), GS, Ma, P, SCT; Kathryn Manser A, En, F (AS), GS, H; Faye Maskell En, G, GS, PE; Benjamin Mee En, G, GS, Med; Laura Millington G, GS, HS (AS), IT; Natasha Minett BS, G, GS, LR; Nicholas Morris A, G, GS (AS), PD; James Mugliston C, Ma, P.

Sarah Osborne G (AS), GS, SCT; Kimberley Ostrowski GS, LR, Ma (AS); Christopher Panteli E, G, GS, IT; Camilla Parker B, C (AS), En, G, GS; Marianna Partridge BS (AS), En, Ps; Madeleine Pittaway A, En, F (AS), GS, Ps; Emma Powell B, C, Ge, GS, Ma; Ashley Price G, GS (AS), PE, SCT; Matthew Setchell BS, GS, IT, S (AS); Archi Shrimpton C, E, En, GS, IT, Ma (AS); Amrik Singh E, IT, Ma (AS); Dean Spragg A, LR, PE; Melisa Stuart IT (AS), LR, PE; Kai Tang E, FM, GS, Ma, P; Nicholas Taylor En, G (AS), GS, H; James Terry GS, LR, Ma, PE; Joanna Towler B, C (AS), GS, Ps, SPU (AS); Laura Trivett BS, G, GS (AS), Ps; Daniel Tubb C, G, GS (AS), IT; Joe Turner B, GS, PE, Ps; Kayleigh Turner En, G (AS); Anna Vaccaro En, GS, Med, Ps; Hayley Watkiss G (AS), IT (AS), PE; Liam Webb H, S; Matthew Weston C, En, GS, Ps; Karen Whitehead BS, GS, Med, Ps; Rachel Wilkinson BS, En, G, GS (AS), Med (AS); Christopher Williams E, En, GS, IT; Natasha Wood A, G, GS, Ps.

l Key to abbreviations:

A = Art, B = biology, BS = business studies, C = chemistry, E = economics, EB = economics and business, En = English, F = French, FM = further maths, , G = geography, Ge = German, GS = general studies, H = history, HS = Health and Social Care, IT = information technology, LR = leisure and recreation, Ma = maths, MA = applied mathematics, Med = media studies, Mu = music, P = physics, PD = product design, PE = physical education, Ps = psychology, S = sociology, SCT = systems and control technology, SPU = science for public understanding.