PERHAPS if detractors of the current A-level results actually sat for one themselves they might change their tune.

I last sat A-levels 18 years ago and recently took A-level human biology. I was stunned to find out how much input was involved.

Not only did I have to complete two essays, one which took me 60 hours to research, we had to plan experiments and write them up concisely and logically to show that we had a real understanding of the subject and were able to apply this knowledge.

When I last did my A-levels I think it is fair to say that you could get a grade simply by being able to regurgitate chunks of information without any real understanding.

To say they are easier is to belittle all the hard work and effort that today's young people must put into them.

By the way, I got a grade C.


Hyacinth Close,

St Peter's, Worcester