A BROMSGROVE cartoonist has launched a new business selling sketches.

James Whitehouse, of Breakback Road, works at Rover's Longbridge car factory but if Cartoons for All Occasions is a success his hobby could turn into a profitable career.

The 29-year-old recently completed a year-long home study diploma with the Cartoon Academy, based in Tameside, near Manchester, covering all aspects of producing and selling cartoons.

He has sold work to town businesses and a Bromsgrove sports club may use his designs on its website.

James has lived in Bromsgrove with his wife, Lydia, for five years.

He said: "Since I was a child, I have been good at art and can do many types of painting and drawing.

"My mum has pictures in her house I painted when I was aged eight and you cannot tell they are by a child."

James decided to make a career out of his hobby when he heard about the cartoon diploma course.

While he builds up contacts, James will continue working at Rover but he hopes drawing can become a full time job.

"My ideal would be to work for a national newspaper or magazine but it's getting your foot in the door," said James.

"There is also a big market in the greeting card industry.

"To be a good cartoonist you need artistic skills and the ability to see the funny or bizarre side of a story and then exaggerate it."