A MAJOR initiative to combat bed blocking at the Alexandra Hospital has been launched by Redditch Primary Care Group.

The PCG has proposed an allocation of £30,000 to be spent on a health visitor for the elderly as part of a £220,000 cash boost from Worcestershire Health Authority.

The health visitor will help elderly people retain their health and independence, instead of being forced to take up much needed beds at the Alexandra Hospital or in residential homes.

The PCG also plans to buy two nursing home beds to ease the winter pressure on hospitals.

PCG chief officer Sue Jenkins said: "This is really good news for Redditch people and it will mean we will be able to provide a number of services we have not been able to in the past."

Last year, the PCG spent its allocation of £24,000 on an additional post in the child and adolescent mental health service.

This year, £28,000 will be spent on nurses to assist GP surgeries in providing specialist services and supporting the development of in-house skills, such as chronic disease management.

And £90,000 is to be spent collating and updating information in GP practices.

The rest of the money is to be spent on a stop smoking initiative, the development of a phlebotomy service in surgeries and a diabetic retinopathy screening service.