WHAT on earth is G R Jones going on about by claiming that live sheep exports have ceased? (Evening News, August 17).

Each year, more than a million lambs and sheep are exported from the UK for slaughter on the continent. Many are sent to Italy, Greece and Spain where they are killed in abattoirs using cruel and illegal methods.

And yes, Mr Jones, thousands of sheep are Halal-slaughtered; they are sent from this country every April to Paris for the Ed al Kabir festival, where, fully conscious, their throats are hacked at with blunt knives in the name of "religion." To suggest that animal welfare campaigners are responsible for this is just plain barmy.

The following is the address and telephone number of compassion in World Farming. If G R Jones becomes a member he will be sent briefings which will help him compose a factual letter next time around.

CIWF, Charles House, 5A Charles Street, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 3EH. Tel 01730 264208.

