The Chase

Helen Abbott: Ec, G, PS; Mark Allen: G; Clementine Anderson: B, C, M; Rachel Apsley: E, GS, (H), TS; Philip Argent: AD, DC, GS; Barnaby Bamford: (BS), G, PEd; Fiona Barley: B, EL, H; Peter Barr: EL, (GS), (H), RS; Francis Benner: EL, G, GS, HE; Laura Bentley: B, C, PS; Elizabeth Berry: Ger, (GS), M, P; Keith Bingham: G; James Boles: (AD), DC; Alexandra Brailey: Ec, H, S; Nathan Broomhead: (C), (GS), (M), (FM), (P); Jennifer Brown: (Ger), (E), (F), (RS); Christopher Burtenshaw: Co, GS, M, P; Hannah Cameron: AD, EL, PS; Helen Clifford: EL, H, Mu; Phoebe Cobb: (AD), (E), (GS), (H); Emma Conein: (C), (M), (FM), (P); Marie Conein: (Ec), M, RS*, (S); Louise Cowling: PS; Robert Crawford: PEd; Louise Van Daesdonk: B, C, (GS), M; Hannah Davies: BS, G; Rebecca Davies: PEd; Thomas Davies: PEd; Gemma Downes: B, C; Karl Dunn: (B), (C), P; Arthur Embleton: Co, GS, M, P; Richard Field: BS, G, S; Kerry Finnegan: RS; Joanne Flynn: EL, F, GS, RS; Hannah Ford: Ec, EL, S; Samuel Freer: PEd; Thomas Garner: (AD), M, P; Alice Gatley: B, EL, F; Simon Gibson: B, G, GS, H; Thomas Ginn: DC, M, P; Clare Graty: E, F, (H); Evan Green: (C), (Ger), (GS), (M), (P); J Alexander Greenall: (AD), E, (MS); Sarah Harding: E, G, HE; P Thomas Hardy: B, E, (F), (GS); C Daniel Harris: (AD), G, GS; Ruth Hart: B, E, (PS); Stuart Harvey: PEd; Dougal Hawes: B, H, (PEd); Jane Herbert: Ec, E, F, GS, M*; James Hern: DC, M, P; Laura Hewitt: F*, (GS), (M), FM, RS; Eleanor Hicks: E, (G), H; Ian Hills: Ec, (G), (GS), M; Eleanor Holmes: E, G, H; Corin Hughes: (C), (GS), (M), (P), M (S), P (S); Andew Ilsley: B, (E), GS, (S); Mikiella Izzard: Mu, PS; Nicolette Jenkins: B, PEd; Sarah Jenkins: (B), (C), (PEd); Pamela Jolley: B, C, (GS), M; Richard T Jones: G, GS, P, PS; Katie Keenan: B, E, GS, PS: Rachel Knowles: (E), F, GS, H; Matthew Lambeth: G; Emily Lloyd: B, (M), PEd; James Malbon: (G), M, P; Jessica Matchan: B, C, M; Ross Matthews: G, GS; Helen McCarthy: PS; Edmund McGregor: (AD), DC, G; Jamie Melvin: Ec, H, PS; Katherine Murphy: B, M, (PS), (RS*); Alexander Murray: DC, G, GS, M; R Sian Newton: Ec, E, G; Chloe Nicholson: (Ger), (F), (GS), M; Mary O'Connell: E, F, GS, H; Robert Oldfield: M, P, RS; Gemma Palmer: (EL), (GS), (PS), RS; Petra Pocock: GS, G; Peter Prior: Co, GS, P; Catherine Pritchard: (EL), GS, H, M; Elizabeth Prosser: EL, G, GS, PEd; Andrew Richardson: (B), (C), (GS), P; Daniel Richardson: Ger, F*, M, P; Matthew Robinson: C, G, GS, P; Hannah Rolls: (Ger), E, (GS), H, M; Emma Ruff: Ger, EL, F, GS; Hannah Russell: AD, B, GS, PS; Haru Sakai: C, (Ec), (M), FM; Robert Sanderson: EL, H, PS; Megan Sherliker: (B), (F), (H), (M); Ann-Marie Staite: B, E, F; Lucy Taylor: AD, E, F, GS; Rebecca Tummey: (C), (GS), (M), (FM), (P); Christopher Turner: Co, EL, (MS); Alexandra Tuthill: (B), (C), (F), M*; Simon Walker: (AD), DC, (MS); Emily Wall (HS, GNVQ distinction); Nicholas Ward: EL, G, Mu; Joseph Warriner: TS; Thom Washbourne: AD, DC, Ec; Rachel Wells: (AD), (E), (GS), (H); Stephen Weston: EL, G, GS; Christine Whitehead: DC, M, P; David Williams: (Ec), (F), (GS), M*, (Mu); Mathew Williams: Ec, (GS), H, M; Tanya Williams: (AD), EL, PS; David Wills: (B), C, (GS), H; Alexander Woodward: DC, M, P; Lewis Wray: Ec, (EL), PS.

Dyson Perrins CE High School

Stevie Barker: B, C, PEd; Kate Buchanan: F, H, (PS); Victoria Burston: A, B, PS; Mitchell Clulow: A, Gc; Benjamin Colyer: (BS), M, (PS); Laura Hammond: B, C; Oliver Jones: B, M, Ped; Kevin Kelly: E, F, H*, S*; Victoria Lloyd: B, PS, S*; Victoria Longworth: G, (PS); Richard McDowell: C, Co, (DT); Julian Millsom: B, C, PA; Elizabeth Nixon: B, (E), (PS); Matthew Norris: Co, M; Gruffydd Richards: Co, Ger, (M), (P); Rachel Risk: B, M, (PEd); Lee Soley: Ped, PS; Lisa Sullivan: M, P, DT; Duncan Tune: B, PEd, PS; Carla Williams: Ger, G, (PS), ST*.

Year 12 students: All PS*: Wendy Cane, Charles Hamblin, Andrew Hurrell, James Kelly, Victoria Lancey, Emma Laver, David Leeks, Charlotte Longworth, Sarah Martin, Emma Morris, Katie Nicholls, Beth Palmer, Claire Pedlingham, Matthew Perrins, Gemma Price, Pamela Statham, Jennifer Swinswood (PS*), Daniel Tustin, Nicola Williams.

Key to results

A - art; AAH - art and art history; AC - arts and craft; Ac - accounts; AD - art and design; AH - ancient history; AM - Applied Maths; Ar - Arabic; B - Biology; BP - British Government and Politics; BS - Business Studies; C - Chemistry; CC - Classical Civilisation; CF - contemporary French; CG - Contemporary German; Chi - Chinese; Cl - Classics; Co - Computing; CS - computer Studies; CSp - Contemporary Spanish; CT - Christian Theology; D - Dance; Dc - Design and Communications; DM - Discrete Maths; DT - Design Technology; Dr - Drama; E - English Literature; Ec - Economics; EL - English Language; Elc - Electronics; En - English; EB - Economics and Business Studies; EP - Economic and Political Studies; ES - Electronic Studies; Esc - Environmental Science; F - French; FM - Further Maths; FT - Fashion and Textiles; G - Geography; Gc - Graphical Communication; Geo - Geology; Ger - German; GP - Government and Politics; Gr - Greek; GS - General Studies; H - History; HA - History of Art; HB - Human Biology; HC - Home and Community Studies; HE - Food; HS - Health and Social Care; IS - Industrial Studies; IT - Information Technology; Jap - Japanese; JCC - Jact Classical Civilisation; L - Latin; La - Law; M - Mathematics; Mc - Mechanics; MS - Media Studies; Mu - Music; MT - Music Technology; P - Physics; PA - Performing Arts; PEd - Physical Education; PH - Photography; PM - Pure Maths; PMA - Pure Maths Applied; PMM - Pure Maths and Mechanics; PMS - Pure Maths and Statistics; Pol - Politics; PS - Psychology; R - Russian, RS - Religious Studies; S - Sociology; SB - Social Biology; SEB - Social and Environmental Biology; Sp - spanish; ST - Statistics; Te - Technology; TS - Theatrical Studies.

A grades in brackets. AS level starred. (S) = Step Level.